Awesome Bloggy Buddies Award

Instead of passing this along I am going to break the rules and share some great reads I found this week:
If you don't already read My Charming Kids you should! Her story is amazing and her faith is unwavering. Today she posted this amazing story about her husband showing mercy to someone he doesn't know. As a Christian it was truly inspiring to me. You can find it here.
Sara at Domestically Challenged is one of my newest blog finds. Today she wrote a hilarious post that described my husband to a "T" except for the golfing part. I am really beginning to realize that all men are scarily similar. You can read her post here.
Thanks for sharing the bloggy love!
I love Noah's Mommy! She is so sweet.
Shall I check to make sure my hubs isn't pulling double duty? {I won't lie.. he couldn't handle it! he even admits it!}
Congrats on your award. I love those blogs too!
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