I haven't done a pregnancy update in almost 10 weeks! At least a lot of my posts have been baby related so everyone still probably is somewhat up-to-date.
39.5 weeks 4/30/2012
39.5 weeks 4/30/2012
Due date: May 4, 2012
How far along: 39.5 weeks
Maternity clothes: My belly has gotten so big almost none of my maternity clothes fit. Most of the shirts are like the one in this picture, too short. I can't stand anything tight on my belly so I am limited in the pants department too. I am definitely looking forward to not wearing maternity clothes.
Baby bump: For weeks it has felt like my belly can't get any bigger but it still does.
Gender: We aren't going to find out the gender. We are really excited to announce both the gender and the name once the baby is born.
Heartbeat: The past few weeks the baby's heart rate has been in the 130's and goes up to the 140's when the baby is moving which is perfect.
Movement: Late 3rd trimester movement is different than earlier movement. It get elbows and knees and shifts in position but the baby is out of room. My baby has never been a big mover though. I hope that means the baby is a calm baby.
Symptoms: Late 3rd trimester pregnancy sucks! There isn't a nice way to put it. You don't sleep, you're huge, you're uncomfortable, everything hurts, you are just ready to meet your baby!
Tests and midwife appointment updates: All my appointments the last 10 weeks have been very low key. Only trace amounts of protein, great heart rate for the baby, measuring right on track via fundal height. I have been allowing myself extra time to arrive at my appointments so I am not rushed and using my Hypnobabies techniques once I am there to relax and help lower my blood pressure and have been very successful. My blood pressure has been great at all my last appointments and was only 102/70 on Friday which is amazing for me. I am GBS negative which is great since I want a natural childbirth and don't want to be hooked up to an IV. It also allows me to labor longer at home because I won't need to receive to doses of antibiotics before baby is born. Honestly everything at my appointments has been great!
Exercise: I did prenatal water aerobics until about 35 weeks but then just had too many conflicts with the kids schedule so I stopped. I have been still walking 4-5 times per week since the weather has been great.
Next Appointment: Friday, May 4th, my due date.
Here is the link to the Baby Center: Your Pregnancy: 39 Weeks some of the highlights are: your baby is ready to greet the world. He continues to build a layer of fat to regulate his body temperature after birth though he is likely to measure 20 inches and weigh over 7 pounds.

You look great!! Can't wait to meet the new addition! =) XOXO
What an exciting time! I love hearing about it. Thanks for sharing! Week by Week Pregnancy
There is no way your are 39 weeks in this picture! You look amazing!!!
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