Friday, January 16, 2009

You know you are addicted to blogging when...

So I finally went to the doctor today after feeling bad on and off for 6 plus weeks. I know, I probably should've went sooner but I have definitely felt much sicker many more times and everyone time I thought ok it has been 4 or 5 or 6 days of feeling crappy I would start to feel better for 2 or 3 days. My energy level never came back but I wrote that off as something else and went about my merry little life.

So being a little sick for a long time gets old after awhile. While speaking to my BFF yesterday she mentioned I may have a chronic sinus infection that I can't kick. LIGHTBULB! So I check out WebMD, my internet source to diagnosing myself and my kids (I know a bad habit but I usually just look information up to decide whether a trip to the doctor is necessary). Sounds like a sinus infection. Better drag my happy (or unhappy at this point) ass to the doctor's office. Don't worry I can entertain a cranky Baby Boy who woke up at 4am this morning and my 6 year old at the doctor office. The stroller worked well and while he signed that he was done (done in the stroller) before the doctor came in the visit was relatively quick. So sinus infection it is and $6 amoxicillin from the Target pharmacy is the cure. Wow, this was so easy! If I don't feel better by Monday he said to call and we will try a different antibiotic.

So if you are still with me at this point you are probably wondering why I am telling you my whole sick story because while I should be resting I cannot put the stinking computer down. Ladies I will have to admit it, I am addicted to blogging (and to Facebook and Moms Bloggers Club and other fun websites I have recently found).

So what made you realize you were addicted?


Evolving Mommy Catherine said...

I realized I was addicted when ALL my daily experiences were turning into half written blog posts in my head. Hope your feeling better soon. See ya tomorrow!

Anonymous said...

yeah, when I constantly wonder how I can make each and every experience into a witty blog post.

Gina said...

When my computer broke and my supervisor and good friend insisted I borrowed her laptop for the weekend because I was so tense at work due to my lack of blogging. I left you an award on my blog!!