Now that temperatures are in the 80's and I am ready to turn on my air conditioning I think it's time to update everyone on what we've been up to all winter: skiing and snowboarding!
Everyone is bundled up and ready to go!
2012-2013 was a great ski season for us. We made it up to the mountains to ski several times this winter. The big kids started out the season with a lesson to brush up from last year but finished out the year as independent skiers and snowboarders.
View at the top of the run
View from the chair lift
It was so nice to not have the added expense of lessons all season on top of the expense of skis, snowboards, kids winter clothes, etc. We are blessed to have access to deeply discounted lift tickets through my hubby's work. Eldora Mountain Resort is only 1 1/2 hours from our home. Even better, no dreaded I-70 ski and weekend traffic to fight with.
Nate riding the lift to the top of the mountain
Nate and I during our ski date
Nate and I even got a whole kid-free day of skiing at the end of the season in. I can't wait for next ski season to come around again and explore the slopes.
Soon enough this little guy will be skiing too!
*This post was sponsored by and I was compensated for this post. All statements are solely my opinion.

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