1. Get finances on track. I'm doing okay in this area. I do well with YNAB for a month or two then have to make a fresh start. I think it is important to tell your money where it's going not to simply react. I definitely can continue to improve in this area.
2. Get housework under control. This has not happened. I went back to work full-time 3 months ago so I even have less time. I've been trying to avoid it but finally I scheduled someone to come clean my house next week. They are going to come twice this month, then hopefully I can cut back to once per month. Laundry is still horribly behind. I am bad about doing a daily task though now my days are filled with work and driving kids to and from their activities. The kids have been okay about doing extra chores for money. The kids have been starting their own laundry. I guess I've made some progress in this area.
3. Teach Brennan and Wynter to cook better. We need to be more consistent. They have cooked several meals but not every week.
4. Attend church at least twice per month. Since I work at church I'm there at least 40 hours per week, some weeks more. Sometimes I am so busy and we're so shorthanded that I do not attend a service all week. I try to make getting myself into service a priority though.
5. Go on monthly dates with Nate. Be more engaged with each other on a daily basis. We've been doing a pretty good job of dating each other. We had a full day date in March skiing. We had an overnight date in May for our anniversary and we had an overnight date last weekend. We could improve on being more engaged day-to-day.
6. Sew more. No progress in this area. I joined a quilt-along in April, bought all the supplies to make Orion a crib size quilt and then did nothing.
7. Take a photography class. i took a photography 101 and 102 class and loved them both. I need a lot more practice to be the photographer I want to be.
8. Get back into running! Still something I want to do but haven't made happen. I looked into the Team Challenge program but it only meets in Denver, which is unrealistic for me. I need others to run with and encourage me. Hopefully I'll find a program that will work with me soon.
Thanks for keeping me accountable!

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